Bobby and the Hall Monsters

by Laurie Weaver

--continued from page 1--

That day at lunch he sat thinking and staring at his bologna sandwich.
"Hey Bobby, got monsters on the brain?"
Startled, Bobby looked up into the smirking face of Elaine Phillips.
"For your information, Miss Smarty-pants, there are monsters in the hall!
"Oh come off it Bobby. Everybody knows you just make up those stories so you won't have to do math."
"Did I make up this black eye? Did I make up the sprained ankle last week?"
"You're a boy. Boys always get banged up."
He grabbed both her arms and looked her straight in the eye. Suddenly it seemed important that somebody, anybody, believe him. "Think about it Elaine, when did I get this black eye? Did I have it this morning?"
"No," she said slowly.
"Did I have it when you tossed out my mathbook?"
"No you didn't!" She sat down next to him in astonishment. "But you did have it when you came back in from the hall!"
"That's right. Now how did I get a blackeye in the hall?"
"Well maybe some sixth grader came by and did it."
"Right." He turned away from her in disgust and took a bite out of his sandwich.
"Look Bobby, be reasonable. How can you expect me to believe there are monsters lurking in our hallway?"
"I know it sounds crazy," He crossed his heart. "But I swear monsters are out there."
"I'd like to believe you Bobby, really I would..."
"Come out and see for yourself."
"That's easy. Tomorrow during math fake like you don't know the answers."
"Mrs. Jenkins will never believe I don't know my math."
"That's true," Bobby agreed thoughtfully. "It'll just have to be smart mouth."
"Smart mouth. If there's one thing guaranteed to get you kicked out into the hall it's smarting off to Mrs. Jenkins."
"Bobby, I've never smarted off to a teacher in my whole life!"
"Come on Elaine, be a sport. It's for a good cause and I'll teach you what to say."
"Please Elaine, I don't want to face them alone. You're the only hope I've got!"
She wavered. "I'll probably regret this..."
"Atta girl." Bobby pounded her on the back like a buddy. "You won't be sorry."
"I already am," she sighed.

The next day as the clock moved slowly towards math time, Bobby glanced over at Elaine. She was slumped down and chewing on a fingernail. Really she wasn't such a bad kid.
Mrs. Jenkins cut through his thoughts like a knife.
"Yes Mrs. Jenkins?"
"Kindly get your mind out of the clouds and tell us what is seven times twelve?"
"89?" Bobby guessed.
"Hardly," Mrs. Jenkins snapped. "Who knows the correct answer?" She looked expectantly at Elaine.
"Now Elaine dear think. 72 is the answer to six times twelve. What is seven times twelve?"
"Who cares," she whispered.
"What did you say?"
Elaine swallowed and said a bit louder, "I said who care's? It's just a bunch of dumb math that can be done on a calculator!"
Mrs. Jenkins looked just like she'd swallowed a bullfrog. "Young lady, you can just take your math out into the hall until you remember the correct way to address your elders!"
The class gasped.
Bobby jumped up "Thatta girl Elaine! Don't let her shake you!"
"You're out too young man!"
"Even monsters are better than staying in here!"
Mrs. Jenkins looked ready to explode.
Elaine quickly hustled Bobby out and shut the door.

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