Back to the Main 'Ask ToonaCat' section

2007 archive note: This was the page where Kids could ask ToonaCat any question. The submit is now disabled since we aren't accepting aquestions at this time. This was one of the most popular features. Kids loved to ask TC about a variety of subjects!

Before you ask a question, read ToonaCat's FAQ (Frequently asked questions). In it, he answers many questions that get asked a lot. To ask ToonaCat a question, just fill out the form below, then click the "Submit Form" button.

Your First Name:

Your Email Address:
(optional, ask your parents first. It's used to let you know if your question has been used by TC)

Your Age:

Your Grade in School:

The City Where You Live: (optional, ask your parents first.

Your State or Country: (optional, ask your parents first.

One Thing you like to do:

Another Thing you like to do:

Another Thing you like to do:

Your Question for ToonaCat
If you're done, click the "Submit Form" Button.

If you want to start over, click the "Reset Form" Button.